
In the year 2018 we did 3 shootings for the movie project. All were done in Munich, Germany. One in July and the other both in August. The goal of these shootings was to fix the issues which we made in 2016 and to close gaps in story telling.

Martial arts academy

The first problem to solve was to get a closed location with some space to have enough distance for the camera. At this point I got a hint from my friend Martin to ask the owner of the Martial art academy in Munich East, where he trains usually. In July, we got the agreement to get their rooms for a weekend. They have a really nice huge room for their training, and we changed it into a green room studio. Two walls each 6 meter and the floor was covered with green cotton. In it, we build the set. First was an outside scene where the whole team of troopers has to enter a building. The complete environment should be replaced later by VFX.

actors of the fan movie project

Some months before we did at this location already a kind of fun shooting simply to train how to handle green screen footage and to learn what is important to use this technique.

At the shooting day we had a tough schedule. We did the shooting of six different scenes.

actors of the fan movie project

One scene was a TV show, where a moderator does an interview with a scientist from Oppenheim test center about a new development project.

Garage shooting

In August, we did two shootings on one day at two different locations. One location was a public garage in a residential area. By adding some props to its walls we changed it to a military base. Furthermore, we hired some people from this residential area to take part in this shooting as a supporting cast. garageThey did never act before in front of a camera, and they got the information only that it is a science fiction movie. Our chief instructor Scotty gave them at the location a brief introduction of military movement and behavior to make them able to act. The prop design was done by Jim Martin before. Some signs and garage propsdevices to put on walls and doors to create the imagination of a military base. We built these props according to drawings from Jim. From time to time there were some public visitors in this garage to put their cars in it or to leave the garage with their cars. Then we had to interrupt the shooting, and they were slightly confused about the use change of their garage. However, all of them were supporting us after we told them what we are doing. It was a nice experience by this shooting in public. At this shooting a first time our new Sky Marshal Phelan A.Davion has joined us.

Office shooting

The second shooting at this day should be in the Sky Marshal's office. The plan was to do this again based on green screen footage. For that we prepared a set in a normal apartment where we had a somehow futuristic looking table and chairs. The walls of this apartment were covered again with green cotton. And the matte paintings finally are provided by Jim to complete this scenery.

actors of the fan movie project

The scene in the movie is in principle the start point where Sky Marshal Burghardt gives an order to Commander Schröder to discover and clear the situation after a actors of the fan movie projectmysterious incident. Something had happened that could grow into an uncontrollable problem. The actor Phelan A. Davion is the only experienced professional actor who participated at our project. He is a huge fan of military science fiction which was the motivation for him to join us. Scotty Stahl has also some practical experience as an actor because he did some series of a TV show. Both influenced the other actors and motivated them to give their best in their performance as well. However, all did their part for sure. I am very thankful to be able to accompany such a motivated team on the shoot.


Stand: 16.01.2023